Monday, September 12, 2011

Perception is Reality

I find the whole idea of perception so interesting and so frustrating.  It is amazing to me that 20 people can hear the same message and interpret it in 20 different ways.  Or, read the same email and create a whole different interpretation of what was said. My colleagues have said that we need better communication.  But, I'm wondering ... maybe we don't need better communication but better listeners. 
And then, there is the whole idea that everything you've heard and seen is filtered through  experiences to develop understanding.  Is it any wonder that we have miscommunication?  Today, I learned that even when you work so hard to be clear and concise, someone somewhere will interpret what you said in a whole different way.  And that's life in an elementary school:)   Have a great day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Inspiring Excellence

I've been reading the book The Leader In Me by Stephen R. Covey.  And its got me thinking about how to inspire teachers.  I agree with the author when he says  "that we know all too well how a teacher can cement mediocrity or inspire excellence in a student regardless of subject area."  How can I prevent mediocrity and inspire excellence in my staff?   As I continue to read, A.B. Combs Elementary school culture sounds to good to be true.  Every year I do a book study with interested staff members.  This year, I think I might ask for teachers to join me in reading the book and then developing an action plan to promote excellence.  Wish me luck:)